Saturday, July 11, 2009

Say 'NO' to Diabetes!

Did you know that DIABETES is threatening to become the world's most deadly disease in the world? According to an article in COLLECTIVE WIZDOM.COM, the World Health Organization announced that diabetes surpassed HIV-AIDS and Malaria on the world's top killer list. The WHO found that 171 MILLION people had diabetes in 2000 and they're estimating that by year 2030, 366 MILLION will have developed with the said disease. It's really an alarming disease because each year, an estimated 3.2 million people worldwide die from its complications.

There are two (2) types of diabetes, TYPE 1 is genetic and unfortunately, there is no known preventive measure which can be taken against it and the principal treatment for this is the delivery of artificial insulin via injection and careful monitoring of blood glucose levels using blood testing monitors. While the second form of diabetes or TYPE 2, is an acquired, preventable disease and is due to insulin resistance or reduced insulin sensitivity. One of the exact cause of this disease is central obesity, wherein too many calories from excess sugar and fat cause fat to line the stomach that may possibly impair glucose resistance.

To prevent ourselves from TYPE 2 diabetes, we can do and follow the ff. game plans:

1. Eat GREENS.
2. MOVE. Walk at least 30 minutes to an hour each day.
3. FIBER. Fiber-rich diets greatly reduce the risk of contracting diabetes.
4. LOW CALORIE. Reduce calorie intake and choose low-calorie foods and drink.

So to make sure that your blood sugar is within the 'safe range', a 'Blood Sugar Screening' is greatly recommended. And GOOD NEWS! Because you can avail it for FREE!

San Mig Coffee Sugar Free Coffeemix, the no. 1 Sugar Free coffeemix in the country (certified by Nielsen Phils.) has 50% less calories and 0% cholesterol compared to regular coffeemixes and available in four (4) signature blends - Mild, Original, Strong and Extra Strong. To raise the consciousness of the Filipinos about diabetes, San Mig Coffee Sugar Free has tied-up with Healthway Medical wherein for every purchase of San Mig Coffee 3in1 Sugar Free or 2in1 Sugar Free, you'll get a free 'Blood Sugar Screening' coupon worth P300.00 that you can present to any Healthway branch until August 31, 2009. See poster below for details:

