Some coffee aficionados often go for a cup of black coffee as they learned to drink and enjoy coffee only with sugar - strictly no additives! They considered themselves as 'coffee purists' as they would never, ever add dairy to their coffee because they want to preserve the basic color of the coffee. Are they coffee snobs? No, they just want to treasure the pure clean taste of coffee.
Well, do you consider yourself as one of the 'coffee purists'? If yes, Good News! Because here's the perfect coffee for you!
SAN MIG COFFEE 2in1 COFFEEMIX is the first and only complete line of single-serve sachet of sweetened black coffee. Each sachet offers a fresh, quick, and convenient cup of sweetened black coffee anytime, anywhere. And what's good about this brand is that it's available in Regular (Coffee + Sugar) and Sugar Free (Coffee + Sweetener) coffee blends - Mild, Original and Strong. So no more 'tantsahan' in preparing your coffee! It's also affordable, because for as low as P2.50 per sachet, you can now enjoy the perfect coffee taste and convenience of San Mig Coffee 2in1.
Another good reason why San Mig Coffee 2in1 is the perfect coffee for you is because it is a HEALTHY product. Each cup of San Mig Coffee 2in1 has ZERO FAT and absolutely cholesterol and calorie-free! Whew! It is indeed a very good product, right?
So say goodbye to your traditional preparation of coffee and embrace now the new convenience! Black coffee may not have the pizzazz of flavored coffee but one thing is for sure, its strong coffee taste will really keep you awake.
So what are you waiting for? Buy San Mig Coffee 2in1 NOW!
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